
Maximizing value throughout the PE life cycle

Discover how we can help with each phase of your investment life cycle:

  • Due diligence: How confident are you that your target’s financials are accurate? Are you certain that performance forecasts are valid? What are the key drivers of EBITDA growth supporting your investment thesis? Our team conducts a wide range of due diligence – including buy-side and sell-side, along with financial, tax, commercial, operational, and IT — with analysis that reveals the story behind the numbers.

  • Transaction advisory services: Have you explored every scenario? Have you and the seller agreed to adequate working capital? To ensure a smooth close, we provide closing/opening financial statement audits, fairness opinions, and interim accounting support services.

  • Value creation: Once the deal is closed, what’s your first step? Our team will help you define your initiatives, capitalize on those first 100 days, and tailor a plan to achieve maximum value during the overall investment hold period. We’ll position you for growth by effectively leveraging technology and implementing strategic operational improvement plans.

  • Exit investments: Is your exit strategy designed to give you the strongest ROI? Our consultative sell-side diligence is a critical differentiator, allowing us to develop a plan to optimize your exit value and to support an efficient transaction process. We’ll make sure you’re well-positioned to exit when the time is right.